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July 8, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Commissioners of the Union Housing Authority met on Monday, July 8th, 2024, for the regular monthly meeting. Those in attendance were Bruce Morgan, Chairman; Alexander Tucker, Vice-Chairman; Commissioner Genelle Alexander, Commissioner Mickey Gist and Resident Commissioner Jill Jeter. Staff present were Allen Whitener and Debbie Maness.

Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He declared a quorum and opened the floor for public comments. Resident Gayle Lindeman was in attendance to request she be allowed to remain in her apartment pending her eviction for marijuana possession. A discussion ensued regarding her tenancy and after some time, Chairman Morgan tabled the discussion until the August meeting. Ms. Lindeman was excused, and he then requested a motion to approve the minutes from last month's meeting. Commissioner Genelle Alexander made the motion to approve last month's minutes, which was seconded by Commissioner Mickey Gist and unanimously approved by the board. Chairman Morgan then called on Executive Director Maness to proceed with old and new business.

In old business, Ms. Maness reported that our summer camp continues to be a big success with approximately 35 children attending daily. She also requested a resolution be signed by the board for the pest control contract that was awarded to J&N Pest Control and then discussed opportunities provided by HUD and NAHRO that would be beneficial for commissioners interested in obtaining their Commissioner Certification.

In new business, Ms. Maness announced that PEBA performed a desk-top audit for the first time since 2011 and there were four findings. We have corrected the findings, submitted them to PEBA and they have been approved. In SEMAP, we received a final score of 77% for FYE 12/31/23 for the 2022 reporting period which makes us a standard performer. On indicators 9-12, we received a 0 due to our SEMAP score dropping below 95% for the 2022 reporting period. We have corrected the issues related to this score and are on schedule to stay above 95% for this reporting year. She also announced that our Annual Statement had been submitted and approved by the Field Office. Finally, the board voted to send a donation to the Union County 6U girls softball team for their trip to the world series.

The following resolution was presented for approval:

  • A. # 15 09 - Approved for Executive Director Maness to serve as contracting officer to enter into contract with J&N Pest Control for monthly pest control and other pest abatement services as needed.
  • B. # 1510 - Collection Losses.
  • C. # 1511 -Approved revised utility allowances for public housing and HCV program with effective date of September 1, 2024.
  • D. #1512 - Approved revised flat rent schedule for public housing effective September 1, 2024.

The reports on vacancies and work orders were distributed along with the monthly calendar.

There being no further business, Commissioner Mickey Gist motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Genelle Alexander, and unanimously approved by the board.

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM.