October 14, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Commissioners of the Union Housing Authority met on Monday, October 14th, 2024, for the regular monthly meeting. Those in attendance were Bruce Morgan, Chairman, Alexander Tucker, Vice-Chairman, and Resident Commissioner Jill Jeter. Staff present were Allen Whitener and Debbie Maness. Absent with Notice was Commissioner Genelle Alexander and Commissioner Mickey Gist.
Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He declared a quorum and opened the floor for public comments. Hearing none, he then requested a motion to approve the minutes from last month's meeting. Vice-Chairman Alexander Tucker made the motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Resident Commissioner Jill Jeter and unanimously approved by the board.
In old business, Ms. Maness reported that the FYE 2023 audit revealed two findings. The first finding determined that one of the Authority's banks where its deposits were held were not totally secured with securities pledged by its bank and Ms. Maness informed the board that we discussed the issue with the bank's officers who have agreed to provide the Authority with a quarterly report to monitor that adequate securities are pledged and always secured. The second finding determined that the Housing Choice Voucher program did not have enough funds to reimburse Public Housing at year end. To correct this finding, the Internal Control Policy was updated to ensure monthly reimbursements were requisitioned. Ms. Maness then updated the board on the completion of the parking area on Tillman Street. She presented to the board the 2025 Operating Subsidy calculations for AMP 1 and AMP 2 reporting that the funds will be loaded into REAC (Real Estate Assessment Center) in January. There was some discussion regarding a cost of living raise for employees and replacing the currently vacant Occupancy Specialist position.
In new business, Ms. Maness presented a letter to the Community Development Block Grant program, which secures grants for low to moderate income communities through HUD, in support of a project to upgrade and/or replace the sidewalks throughout our community. She also requested a change of date for the November board meeting due to the Veteran's Day holiday and the board rescheduled it for November 18, 2024. Ms. Maness then discussed the completion of the 2025 utility analysis for Lakeside Manor explaining that because of the analysis, multi-family rents will increase beginning January 2025.
Following a discussion regarding notification of upcoming meetings/training, Vice-Chairman Tucker stated that he would be attending the SERCNAHRO winter workshop in Alabama. Vice-Chairman Tucker also requested a presentation of the lease-up process from both property managers and the section 8 coordinator at the November meeting and access to the security cameras for board members.
The following resolutions were presented for approval:
- # 1517 - Approved 2025 Annual Plan.
- # 1518 - Collection Losses
The reports on vacancies and work orders were distributed along with the monthly calendar.
There being no further business, Resident Commissioner Jill Jeter motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Vice-Chairman Alexander Tucker, and unanimously approved by the board.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, November 18th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.