September 9, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Commissioners of the Union Housing Authority met on Monday, September 9th, 2024, for the regular monthly meeting. Those in attendance were Bruce Morgan, Chairman, Alexander Tucker, Vice-Chairman, Commissioner Mickey Gist and Resident Commissioner Jill Jeter. Staff present were Allen Whitener and Debbie Maness. Absent with Notice was Commissioner Genelle Alexander.
Chairman Morgan called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He declared a quorum and opened the floor for public comments. Hearing none, he then requested a motion to approve the minutes from last month's meeting. Vice-Chairman Alexander Tucker made the motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Commissioner Mickey Gist and unanimously approved by the board.
In old business, Ms. Maness requested approval to execute Change Order # 1 allowing our current contractor, Strickland Brothers, to install new parking on Tillman Street at a cost of $104,877.00. Commissioner Mickey Gist made a motion to approve, seconded by Vice-Chairman Alexander Tucker and unanimously approved by the board. The board was also presented a quote of $33,952.00 for paving chosen areas in the vacant lot beside the office from Sailors Asphalt and was asked for approval before proceeding. Commissioner Mickey Gist made the motion for approval, seconded by Vice-Chairman Alexander Tucker and unanimously by the board. The board also approved the authority to proceed with installing an awning/shelter to provide shade in the area. Ms. Maness then informed the board that the authority had secured a new vendor to provide signs for several areas in the community and the vendor, Fast Signs, plans to have the work complete in October.
In new business, Ms. Maness discussed the 2025 budget, requesting approval to purchase a van to replace the current one and asking consideration of a cost-of-living adjustment for staff. The van was purchased in 2013, and the air conditioning no longer works and cannot be repaired. Ms. Maness then presented a draft of the 2025 Annual Plan for approval noting that the plan continues the current exterior improvements for AMP 1 and 3. Once approved, the annual plan draft will be sent to our A & E firm for final completion and submission to HUD.
The following resolutions were presented for approval:
- #1515 -Approved Change Order #1 to CFP Project No. SC16P019-501-23 for parking.
- #1516-Collection Losses
The reports on vacancies and work orders were distributed along with the monthly calendar.
There being no further business, Commissioner Mickey Gist motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Vice-Chairman Alexander Tucker, and unanimously approved by the board.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, November 11th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.